February 22, 2013

Inspired By 02.22.13

Jeez, I have been waiting for this day for what feels like 1,000 years. Can I tell you guys something that has me inspired, beyond excited and just a little bit scurred all at the same time????

Sharon Montrose little darling prints (i die!)

We're having a baby!!!!

It sort of doesn't feel real yet, mostly because I'm not reaaaaally showing and we've been pretty quiet about it until now. At the rate I'm consuming anything and everything in my path, it shouldn't be long until there is physical evidence of the little nugget. I battled some nausea in the first several weeks and have been getting some fierce headaches as of late, but I'm otherwise feeling pretty great. Just really excited to welcome this little one into the world come mid August.

So you guys know what that means, right? Time to decorate for a mini me (or mini Eric -- we don't plan on finding out what we're having)!!! Those Sharon Montrose prints above? You bet a few of those will find their way into the nursery. Entirely possible I've already picked out exactly which ones . . .

Just too cute to pass up.
Happy Friday, baby! ox


  1. whhaaaaaatttt? I swear my eyes went wiiiiide open!! CONGRATS!! this is amazing, and so exciting Tobe! So happy for you! :)

  2. Oh my god!!!!!!! Congratulations Tobe!!!!!! That is wonderful news. Cheers cheers!

  3. Ahh congratulations!! Sharon's work is perfection. Have you seen the one with the little bear cubs climbing on ropes? Your heart will melt! xx

  4. EEEE yayyyyyy!!! SO happy for you my friend! Cheers to this new adventure and the all the fun it will bring:)

  5. I am grinning ear to ear for you and Eric
    Oh how I wish we could celebrate over brunch and virgin mimosas (aka orange juice)


  6. YAY!!!!! Soo happy for you! I can never get enough of the Sharon Montrose prints. They're too adorable. I'm thinking a "wine playdate" is in our future ;)

  7. Eeeekkkkkkkkk, so amazing! Love that you are not finding out, that makes it that much more! xx

  8. Ah!!! Congrats! What an exciting time!!!!!! Can't wait to see what you do with the nursery!

  9. YIP YIP hooorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you and Mr. BIA!! I cant wait to follow along on your journey. and tell mr. cat not to worry - we'll all still LOVE him too!

  10. Congrats! And those prints are tooooooo cute.

  11. Congrats!! So exciting! I'm due August 12th and have had the worst headache for five days straight. So weird! Clearly it's a thing - Wah Wah. Anyway, I'm so happy for you - yay! Babies!

  12. Congratulations!!! Very exciting news, can't wait to see your nursery plans!

  13. Oh my goodness...HOORAY!!! So so happy for you Tobe!!! I can't wait to follow you along on this, the most amazing journey there is:) Sending so many hugs. xoxo

  14. Congratulations. A very exciting time for you!

  15. !!!!!!!!!!!!!congratulations!

    this is awesome news, indeed!

  16. Congratulations!! I love all of those prints, they're so adorable. I think the zebra is my favorite but really I want them all ;)


    Kristina does the Internets

  17. Congratulations!!! Its going to be one stylish nursery!

  18. Hooray! I feel so privileged to call you my friend and can't wait to be a virtual auntie to Baby Reed! :)

  19. So incredibly happy for you!!! Congratulations!

  20. Oh my gosh YAY!!! Congratulations! So excited for you guys and equally excited to see the nursery come together! How fun. xo Maggie

  21. Congratulations!! Those baby animals are a must!!!

  22. Congratulations...get ready to love like you have never loved before. So cool.

  23. I'm so so so happy for you guys!!! And yes yes yes to the baby animals - your little one is gonna be so lucky to have such a fabulously creative mama :) Utterly thrilled for you! xxx

  24. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Yay Tobe, YAY!!!!!!!! THis is so so so so exciting. I am thrilled for you and your husband! I am not preggers but decided a few years ago that I need Sharon Montrose prints EVERYWHERE in the baby's nursery!! Anyway, congratulations and cannot wait to see/hear updates! xoxoxo

  25. Congrats!!! So exciting!

    Love the sweet prints.

  26. Congratulations sweet thing! I am soooooo happy for you. I can't wait for you to journal the whole pregnancy and the plans, etc.
    Best of luck..I hope you continue to feel well.
    xo Nancy

  27. I have to say it again - CONGRATS lady!!!
    SO excited for you guys :)
    I don't think you could be more scurred that I was. The only reason I decided to have a kid when I did was bc I knew that if I waited til I wasn't scared anymore it would never happen.

    Anyways, cannot wait to see how you decorate the nursery! Kid rooms are the funnest.

  28. So so so exciting!!! And those prints are a MUST have for any nursery. They are darling! I can't wait to follow along!

  29. Congrats!! My sister is using those in her nursery too! She's already ordered the fox and baby deer, so cute :)

  30. Congrats Tobe!!! This is AMAZING news!!! I can't wait to see how you'll decorate for your little nugget. And I think that's awesome that you're not finding out the sex of the baby until they arrive! Such an exciting and wonderful time for you and your family. Can't wait to read more about this wonderful journey ;)



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