January 28, 2013

Monday Blues // 20

It's Monday, ya'll! For once, I'm actually kind of ready. Last week rocked, so I'm looking forward to seeing if this week can do the same. Or, hey, if it's in the mood to top the last 7 days, I'm certainly game.

Today's Monday Blues shot is going to shock you . . . Hey! It's another blue dining room! How does this keep happening? I don't know for sure, but I'm going to guess it has something to do with the fact that we just painted ours a very similar hue. Only ours has WICKED painted out trim and is going to look ridiculous once we hang a proper chandy and get things all dressed up.

In good time.

Last Friday, I put together an Inspired By post that apparently didn't save. Here are a few of the highlights without the pretty pics:

1- Crazy inspired by my girl, Meg, and her new Manifesto line!!!! Cannot WAIT to see this collection as it rolls out each month. And, yes, that is her own amazing handwriting. Don't even call that shiz a font.

2- LOVED reading The Everygirl's Jamie Meares interview. I'm not really one to gush over people publicly, mostly because I think it's gross, but I admire Jamie on so many levels and this interview just demonstrates (yet again) how down to earth, loaded with talent and inspiring she is. The ultimate triple threat!

3- Really, Kimberly? First shot at painting since high school? Be serious. Me wants. Also, that bar is too full. I can help you with that. We can drink out of those pretty little gold rimmed glasses and discuss composition like we're sophisticated.

And just a bit of housekeeping . . .

1- If you follow BIA via Google Reader, you might be happily delighted to see that I've decided to enable full post viewing again. Or maybe you don't give a shit? I don't know. While this goes against everything I've learned about improving official traffic numbers, I have to admit that it drives me insane to have to click out and I've given up on a few blogs myself because of it. So, in the interest of maintaining maximum levels of awesome, there ya go.

2- I knoooooooooow that I keep pumpfaking about showing house updates here. I honestly have every intention of doing so. But it is winter and my daylight hours are scarce and the last thing I care about doing on my precious weekends is styling my house to shoot it unfinished. Sooooo if you really want to see shots of mi casa, I do a pretty good job of posting progress pics on Instagram (@tobe_reed) so follow me there. This is not me, trying to boost my Insta following. I'm just trying to give the people what they want. (And my house just got 20 years younger by going from deep gold to a foxy Parisian gray in the family room, and me thinks you want to see that biznass.)

3- Also, I jumped right on that Vine bandwagon. You?

3- I have big. ass. news to share with you guys very soon!!!!!!!!! And I hate it when people do the whole "exciting news but you have to wait for it" business, but I just cannot contain myself. Major news. Soon.

Whew. That's a lot of words. You still reading?
Happy Monday, playas!


  1. What's Vine?

    So excited things are progressing with the house! Here's to upward motion and improved moods. xo

  2. Those paintings are amaaaze! Still have not decided if I like Vine better than Instagram...

  3. that dinning room is heaven! love the traditional plates and vases mixed with that updated chandlier!

  4. I keep seeing something about Vine on Instajam and I dont know what it is...

    i CANNOT wait for news, tell me NOW! :)

    I want to see your house, desperado. so just show some pics please!

  5. Another fab blue room. Want that chandelier. Oh, and on the edge of my seat for the big news!


  6. Everything sounds wonderful, happy and upbeat and that you have great things going on! so proud of you Tobe, and can't wait to share in your good news.
    xo Nancy

  7. I DO care about the Google Reader changes. Thanks for making my life one click easier :) But your site's text font is so cute, I might still click over sometimes, too!

  8. Yay! Happy to make things easier for even one amazing reader, Lauren :) ox

  9. Ack! Thanks for the shout out my dear!! Huge smile here!! I made some good progress on getting through that alcohol this weekend as it was my birthday but darlin, there is PLENTY more where that came from ;) Can we sit in that gorgeous dining room please? Because I'm crushing on that chandelier like a 12 year old twihard.

    Can't wait for big news!! Yay! xxx

  10. Can't wait to see what your big news is. Yeay! happy for you already. I love the plate arrangement on that dining room. Ok...tell us soon! k?

  11. thanks for the link to the jamie interview, because she's awesome.

    looking forward to that announcement. make it quick, girl.


  12. I love a good tease, but I can't take the suspense. Spill the beans sister!! And I'm working on bribing Kimberly to do one of her fab works of art for me. Maybe if I replenish her bar??

  13. Also just jumped on vine bandwagon...hmmmm... .
    I can't wait to hear your exciting news.:)

  14. I was totally going to say I loved not having to click over. And then my sister said it first. Hilarious.

  15. Thank you thank you thank you for going back to full post view, you have no idea how happy this made me! Can't wait to hear the news! :)


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