January 7, 2013

Monday Blues // 17

Well hello!

I hope this finds each and every one of you on the backside of full holiday splendor. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! and all of that good stuff. After a little responsibility and blogging hiatus, I'm back in full swing and ready to tackle an amazing new year! I have a feeling 2013 is going to rock my world. How about you?

Nothing like the Monday Blues to kick things off, eh? I've long been in love with this space by designer Ashley Whittaker. I die for the texture of the grasscloth, the coordinating trim, the gold accents, layering of pattern, those lampshades!!!!, and the glorious sofa piping detail. Dramatic, quirky and expertly polished. I would be very very happy in this room, I tell you. Very happy.


  1. Agreed - it's sublime! Glad to see you're pumped up for what 2013 has to offer - it's on!


  2. 2013 is gonna be the shizzle, my friend! :)

  3. Nautical, boho, traditional... a blue room always manages to feel so regal. It's not a color I've personally explored much, but I've always been an admirer. This one with all it's textures and brass hardware is a space I'd be very comfortable living in.

    Cheers to a new year filled with great design adventures!

  4. Always happy when you are blogging! Happy new year. xo

  5. Oooh sexy sexy room!! Happy new year my dear!! xxx


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