January 11, 2013

Inspired By 01.11.13

Today, I thought I would just mention a few of the things that are inspiring me this week.

1 // Every year I tell myself that I will do a better job of sending birthday cards and giving people little treats on their special day. This is the year, people. Pretty sure this packing tape would make sending those packages to friends and family a little bit more fun.

2 // I can't get enough of graphic black and tan combos lately. 1 // 2 // 3

3 // For the last few years, I've chosen a word to define the upcoming year. It's as far as I'm willing to go with resolutions. To be totally honest, 2012 was a major fail with SIMPLIFY. I did nothing of the sort. I'm hoping for a little bit more discipline in 2013 with EMBRACE. I chose EMBRACE because it's time for me to stop over thinking everything, trying to control my situations, not honoring who I am and where my strengths and passions lie, and thinking that life needs to be something more than what it is. A girl's gotta have goals, no doubt, but I tend to have such a high bar for myself that I fall short a lot. It's time to BE BRAVE and EMBRACE who I really am. This print from those talented Ampersand girls would be the perfect everyday reminder!

4 // Eric and I have been machines getting things done around the house this past month. My office is almost done! (Here's hoping that makes for a more organized and better blogger, hmm?) I'm thinking that a few finishing touches like this pretty pillow from Arianna Belle are due.

Happy weekend! ox


  1. Love your word as I need to do the exact same thing! That print would be perfect for my office as well. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. that wine colorway in la fiorentina is the best one! go for it girl. i love that you chose Embrace. Sounds reasonable and pretty loving.

  3. That tape is so cute! I, too, wish to be a better gift giver/letter writer/care taker of my loved ones.

  4. Love the thought of choosing a word to define the year! I need to do the same!

  5. I love the idea of having a word-of-the-year... And the packing tape is too cute!

    xo, Ani

  6. Happy new year, Tobes! Thanks for featuring our Be Brave print! Love "embrace" for 2013! Cheers! Carrie

  7. Great idea on a word for the new year. Brave is a really good one. No more fears - big or small - to keep us from the life we want. Cheers to embracing 2013!

  8. Ok, so I'm a little in the game, but I love this whole post and am super happy our Be Brave print is included. 2013. The year to Be Brave. Let's DO THIS!

  9. Those plates are all kinds of amazing and what room can't use a bit of David Hicks? Embrace it baby! Love it! xxx


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