December 14, 2012

Just Love

My heart breaks for those families suffering today, for those precious children that will never ever be the same because of what they've been through and, really, for humankind. With so much love and light in this world, it's hard to prepare ourselves for these dark moments.

Hug those babes a little bit tighter. ox


  1. So well put. I love that quote, too. It's almost unbearable to watch this unfold.

  2. Ugh, I can't even imagine...Sad day.

  3. I'm shocked about recent events...I got choked up talking with my 13 yr old about it, I can't imagine what those parents are going through. My heart aches for them, I'll be saying extra prayers tonight!

  4. As a mother I can't even tell you how sad I feel and how devastating this is, I swear I'm tearing up just writing this :(

  5. it is hard to imagine what these families and children must be going through.

  6. That is lovely Tobe.

    xo Nancy

  7. I can't stop holding my children today. What is this world we are living in?

  8. I truly hope that this sparks some conversations that need to happen and, eventually, real changes. There has to be some light that comes out of this dark.


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