December 10, 2012

Gift Guide // For the Neighbors

So, I hadn't planned on doing any gift guides here on BIA. (By the looks of things, I hadn't planned on mentioning the upcoming holidays at all. Minor oversight.) But there's one guide that I always want to see and never ever do.

Can a girl get gift ideas for the neighbors (that she really adores, but still doesn't know that well)??? We went the baked goods route last year, and I guess I feel like that's a winner. Food is always good, right? So for those of you that are in the same boat, this is for you . . . (and I'd love additional suggestions if anyone has a go-to!)

* potted herb DIY via the very clever Laura Parke


  1. Love this round-up, pretty awesome, and I haven't seen this theme ;)

  2. Tobe, I think these ideas are great! I love the herbs... the kind of present that they will have for a while and will remind them of what an awesome neighbor you are! Also, will all of the holiday parties and hosting one does this time of year, you can never go wrong with wine or bubbly. A friend of ours orders a case of her favorite almond champagne from Napa and gives it out. I think it is awesome. xo

  3. Lots of great things! I love the napkins, the candle and of course, the wine!
    xo Nancy

  4. I JUST bought a Holiday Nest candle (for myself) & now I'm obsessed! These are awesome ideas :)

  5. thanks for including the DIY herb mug in your roundup! such a great idea for a neighbor!

  6. Great ideas. I think I'm seriously going to do the herb/mug thing.
    (And don't feel bad, I also totally neglected planning anything for the holidays)

  7. Great ideas, love the DIY! Food and wine are usually our go-to's. I love to get gourmet scone or muffin mixes that are easy to pop in the oven for holiday guests. Maybe some good coffee to go with.

  8. Ha I'm the same way. DM is like a vacuum... you would never know there are holdays or elections or any real world news bc I rarely acknowledge it.

  9. Food is almost always safe, as is wine. I also like paper-whites or an amaryllis in a pretty pot... Target has a bulb set and ceramic pot for like $15.


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