September 27, 2012

want in every color // 01

Well, kids, it appears that animal print is the heavy favorite for the settee. I like where your heads are at. Thanks to those of you that cast a vote! I promise to keep you updated on the progress....regardless of how long it might take :)

Today, I thought I'd kick off a new series in honor of my addiction to color. Every once in awhile I find something that I literally want to buy in every single shade available. Sometimes it's clothes, sometimes jewelry, often homewares...

First up, the J.Crew Tippi Sweater. Obsessed might not cover it with this one. Me likey. A lot. Great fit, amazing weight (not sheer, but still thin and great for layering), classic cut, and comes in an insane assortment of colors. Is it embarrassing to admit that I own four? Thanks for saying no.

AND J.Crew is having a 25% off sale through the 30th with code STYLE25. You're welcome.


  1. I'm the same way. I can never decide on just one. Jcrew always has the best colors... loud and bright, but still classy.

  2. Yes that sweater is amazing, I have it in magenta (or something like that) and now I want every single color as well ;)

  3. Count me in as well - I LOVE this sweater! I might own four after today's 25% off sale... So glad to know I'm not the only one!

  4. Ok, you sold me. I don't wear a ton of color but I am loving these. Think a little trip to J. Crew may be in my future. And I love the animal print on the settee. I've got a love seat in my garage waiting for the same.
    For whatever reason your blog quite showing up in my reader so I am way behind. Going to rectify that right now!

  5. i've been wondering about that sweater so thanks for the scoop! love the settee too. i take forever to commit to upholstery so i understand your dilemma.

  6. I love sweaters, so no, don't be embarrassed that you own 4 of these ones! haha (At the last count I own just over 30 sweaters. Insane, and I still feel like I could use more! haha)

  7. You girls will not regret it! Jess, you have me on sweaters....but my true addiction is turtlenecks. Look out! :)

  8. Yay about the leopard print! And I totally agree about this sweater!!!!! Perfect for layering perfect to wear alone...great colors..I just love it! xo


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