July 10, 2012

madewell + KC

hey, local peeps! just wanted to drop in to let you know about a little kansas city madewell event going on this weekend.
if you'd like to attend, shoot megan an email at the address above asap. hope to see you there!


  1. There is a Madewell in KC now?!?!? Say it isn't so.

  2. That's awesome!
    I'm moving to Cleveland. Any chance there is one there? Doubtful.

  3. Dammit I want to fit in those jeans!

    In four weeks I am about to start starving myself. I hope this baby doesn't want to breastfeed or anything weird like that.


  4. Ah love Madewell! Wish I were somewhere where this was happening. Love your blog, count me as your newest follower!

    Cheers, Elizabeth of The Corner Apartment

  5. Wish I would have seen this sooner! I go to Mizzou and love madewell :) Oh well next time! I'm your newest follower!

    xo SideSmile,

    ps. Don't forget to enter my
    JEWELIQ Giveaway!

  6. Can't believe I didn't get the chance to meet you girls while in Kansas! Have so much fun!

  7. Well I should say, I hope it was fun!!! :)

  8. woah!! when did things get all fancified over here?! I LOVE IT!

  9. Aww. That's too bad I'm a months late for this RSVP. I would've love to come and see it for myself. Maybe there will be still a next time.
    bean bags perth

  10. I came over from pinterest! with one of your images from 2011! ha! I had seen your blog name in different places but hadn't visited yet...what was I thinking?! What a great blog, exactly what I like. I'm your newest follower

  11. this would be so amazing!! would def attend if i was in the area!! thanks for sharing :)

    love K


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