June 5, 2012

contributing column // wear/where

erin's on vaca, so you guys have the supreme benefit of seeing us over at apartment 34 again today with some beach inspired goodness!


  1. thanks for pluggin' me doll face! wait, does that sound funny? ha!

  2. Coolest. Beach towel. Ever. It wasn't hard to imagine myself lounging on this in the sand, sunglasses on, magazine in front. Great find :)

  3. A little bit of Missoni for the home can never be wrong:-)

  4. GREAT POST:) I really like your blog and Im following..I hope you follow me back:)

    If you want a delish swedish recipe..check out my new post:)
    Have a great weekend.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se


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spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!