May 3, 2012

interiors // hotel la malcontenta

you guys are such awesome enablers! thanks to all of you who shared your two cents on yesterday's conundrum. sounds like several of you have a similar setup. which means i'm not crazy, and that i will probably be moving forward with operation sitting room. yippee! more furniture to buy!

in completely unrelated news, last night as i was getting lost in the land of pinterest, i came across the work of designer lazaro rosa-violan. after a bit of digging, i realized that i'd featured his work on BIA before (in one of my very first posts, no less!), but a new-to-me project immediately caught my eye.

hotel la malcontenta is a historic spanish country home gone boutique hotel.

what i love so much about this cozy place is that the historic character was so well maintained when it underwent conversion. it truly looks like a gorgeous home. and one that i would happily love to visit for a long weekend, i might add.

design by lazaro rosa-violan // additional images via fork and pillow

there's just something about a quaint hotel, no? not quite as intimate as a bed and breakfast, not so large that you're just a face in the lobby. feels like the perfect place for a warm retreat. who's in?


  1. Ok. I need a vacation. Stat. And here.

  2. yep, I could be very happy here
    Very happy indeed!

  3. Have mercy!

    But is the hotel really named "malcontenta?" Because that is weird.

  4. Ha! Yes. Supposedly it's because the original owner was perpetually unsatisfied with the place. Weirdo.

  5. I had to go back and look again to make sure this was a hotel I was looking at. It totally looks like someone's personal home! The shot of that bar-- with the espresso machine and slipcovered seating off to the side--- that is the stuff dreams are made of.

  6. Gone boutique and gone right! Wow, stunning!

  7. Love this! I get the feeling that I'm supposed to lie down all over the place, which I'm always willing to do because I'm super lazy.


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