May 8, 2012

interiors // channeling house beautiful

forgive me for the radio silence yesterday. aside from just being too lazy to get anything accomplished over the weekend, we had a storm sunday that knocked out our internet and prevented me from even procrastinating until the last minute. i'm dipping in today to tell you about the paint swatches all over my family room . . . aparently, i'm channeling hillary thomas and jeff lincoln because what i've had in my head for our room is looking a lot like the 60's town house they spiffed up. like, eerily similar.

interior design by hilllary thomas and jeff lincoln, photography eric piasecki  // via house beautiful

no kidding - i have minty blue swatches all over the walls right now. i've also been thinking about switching out the trellis rug for something a bit lighter and more neutral. maybe i need to go for the leopard print like erin? rawr. we've decided that, while we love it's modern lines, our current couch must go. in it's place, i'm imagining a more traditional shape in medium gray fabric (with fringe!!). we'll keep our low cb2 coffee table, the parsons chairs will be recovered in a monochrome (blue?) patterned fabric, there will be a similar console/bench sitch to the above photos as you enter the room from the front door. there's really no room for it in the entryway proper, and extra tucked away seating will be nice when we have more booties than normal. i even love the idea of pairing large-scale photography (thinking over the couch) as they've done above the console here. i'm still undecided on the necessity of window treatments. that will be secondary, i guess.

all of this is, of course, subject to change because the longer it takes me to get anything done, the more likely i am to change my mind (ahem. like the rug). but i think it's important to take your time when you're first in a space so you learn how you use the rooms, how much light you get, what the architecture calls for, etc. (you can stop laughing now, mom. i'm not making excuses for my apparent lack of motivation.)

just one more. because i die for this table and chairs:


  1. This house is nutso. Seriously. So much style under one roof. The teal with the dark magenta is almost too much to take. Adore.

  2. With that as inspiration, you can't go wrong my friend- HEAVEN! Those chairs make my heart sing.

  3. Did someone say fringe? Leopard? Minty blue?

    Hell to the YES. Sooner is better than later, in my opinion.

  4. Ah this house is amazing! Everything in there is fabulous! I am dying over that chandelier and those chairs!

  5. OMG so gorgeous!!! Love all the colors!! xo Elizabeth

  6. Love that space. I think a minty blue + that leopard rug would look AMAZING.

  7. Your ideas all sound genius! Can't wait to see it come together. I love this shade! I'm dying to know what paint color you decide on!

  8. super tempted to go leopard now. thanks for the feedback, friends! ox

  9. Yes, yes and yes. Minty blue, new couch fringe and leopard rug sounds perfect. And although I love that trellis rug, a neutral/leopard one fits better with your new plan. Erin's is divine. I also luv the plan for parsons chairs. My family room is also blue and when I realized all blues go together, it was a whole new world.

  10. I'm usually not one for lots of blues in a room but LORDY this is good. The velvet couches just gives the whole thing a sexy sexy factor.


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