April 20, 2012

outdoors // dorothee schumacher

let's just continue lusting after amazing conservatory and outdoor spaces this week, shall we?
dorothee schumacher has got it going on.

i'm also intrigued by the combo of this:

and this:

throw in a turquoise kitchen with copper pots situation

images via the selby

and i ask you, who doesn't want to be this woman right now??

T G I F !!!


  1. The dressing room kind of scares me... like a giant whale has just devoured me.

    Otherwise, I am all over this place!

  2. ha! agreed, Erin. but i would totally take everything in it.

  3. Yes. I do want to be her...and live in her fantasyland...and have a pig and dwarf pony that eats in my living room. I did want to be Miuccia Prada, but now after this post I may switch to Dorothee Schumacher.

  4. ARRRRGGGHHHHH - I have been MIA this week - jury duty :p And look what I missed! So glad I stopped in today to catch up! LOVE THIS... thanks so much for the get images. Enjoy your weekend. Jalon

  5. your photos are great!


  6. I've just pinned that dressing room because it's the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while. So utterly fantastical.

  7. Oh, I love these photos. You are totally right, I want to be her. xo

  8. That closet absolutely is to die for!


  9. ummmm i think i just died....the closet killed me, then to find out she has a freakin pony--- so jealous!



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