April 11, 2012

house guest // second street east

those of you that have been around for awhile probably remember the series of house guests that stopped by last fall while eric and i were making our big move into the house. big welcome to those of you that have started reading since! it's awesome to have you here. i highly recommend that you check out the amazing inspiration that some of my favorite blog peeps offered up. lots of good stuff in those posts.

i'm happily reintroducing the house guest series today with none other than fellow kc blogger michelle of second street east. if you don't think you already know michelle, just click on over to her lovely little corner of the web, and you'll quickly recognize her as one of the most-blogged alt summit attendees. girl can rock a top knot like nobody's business! she also happens to be hilarious, has an uncanny knack for finding a city's best thai restaurant, and is ridiculously stylish. clearly, i think she's pretty awesome, and i'm thrilled to have her stop by BIA.

without further ado:

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Hi BIA readers! Michelle from Second Street East here! I am so excited to be Tobe's house guest today! I thought it would be perfect to discuss wallpaper since you saw last week that she is thinking about using some pretty paper in her dining room in lieu of painting the walls white. Well, I must say - I am without a doubt Team Wallpaper!! I believe every home could benefit from a room or two plastered with this bold choice!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Now I realize wallpaper isn't permanent but if you have ever tried to take it down, you know that it better be a long-term fixture! That being said, here are a few tips to make the bold decision a little easier:

1. Choose a room you don't use that often. Think half bath, laundry room or entry.
2. Paper above the wainscoting. This is a good way to cut the impact (and cost!) in half.
3. Make sure to buy rolls from the same dye lot. There is nothing worse than opening up that last roll and the color being off.
4. The smaller the print, the less waste you will have. This is a good way to save money as it will require less paper!

Thanks for having me Tobe! Can't wait to see what you decide!


  1. Great wallpaper choices! Love the orange trellis! Off to visit Michelle's blog!

  2. TEAM WALLPAPER all the way... Great tips and choices on the prints ( I adore those ostriches)... love them. And be sure to treat the wall before applying the paper - it helps greatly with the removal. Thanks for sharing and have a great day! Jalon

  3. I'm SO on this team...as evidence by the face that my hallway is papered in #2:) Loved this and can't wait to check out Michelle's blog!!!

  4. Oh my goodness.. I die for all of these!! I'm not usually a wallpaper fan (I'm scared of the commitment!) but these are simply fabulous. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Oh my gosh they are all incredible. I would have a hard time choosing!

  6. That ostrich wallpaper is one of my absolute favorites!! You have to see Christine's entryway with it...so amazing! xoox Elizabeth

  7. I simply will never get enough of the Imperial Trellis. I'm dying to wallpaper a room in my home. Thanks for the tips!

  8. Love these - and great tip about papering above wainscotting. Can't wait to buy a place and get to wallpaper!

  9. Ooo the last fun is dramatic yet whimsical at the same time. Likey.

    I found you last fall during that last round of guest series! So glad I did :)

  10. I've always loved grass cloth but the husband, not so much. I'd love to do our powder room in something like #1!

  11. Love these. Can't wait to finally settle down in one place and buy a house so I can put up some wallpaper...

  12. On the team, and loving your tips. I've just decided to paper my powder room (half wall)... love that jade grasscloth :)

  13. I love her ideas! I love wallpaper and wish it were used more, and I am a big fan of grosscloth. Love this series, would love to participate sometime!

    Have a lovely rest of your day, Tobe!

  14. Yeah, a KC girl!! I'm going to check out her blog!

  15. Can't wait to see more of this series, and I have to check out her blog!


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