March 23, 2012

interiors // right down to the rug

i don't know how i haven't seen this home before - loving this space on so many levels!

design by wendy schwartz // via rue magazine


  1. That place is straight up Boogie Nights fabulous. LOVE that big burley organic wood table. And the lights. And ALL of their seating. And that black wallpaper. And the X-chandlier...

  2. EVERYTHING about these rooms is amazing. One-of-a-kind finds you don't have to worry about your friends and family trying to replicate. Awesome...

  3. Super cool, love the funky spaces you've been sharing with us lately!

  4. great home! i need to catch up on rue magazine!

  5. I love everything about that last image! The lamp, the bookends, the table - ah!

  6. GREAT PICS:) I really like your blog and will happily follow....If you want some swedish inspiration you can check out my blog:)
    I wish you a lovely week.

    LOVE Maria at


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