March 29, 2012

interiors // it speaks to me

thank you guys so much for your sweet comments on our first girls dinner post! it was so thrilling to receive such an enthusiastic response, and we're really excited to bring you more installments of our girly feasts!

as for today, we're talking about this here entryway

nov 2010 veranda // gil schafer, architect // miles redd, decorator  // via the foo dog ate my homework

i think that rug wants to be in my entry right now.
or possibly in the dining room under my new antique table amidst perfectly whitewashed walls.


  1. This rug is gorgeous! I would love to have this under my antique table too, I think this would make for the perfect finishing piece. =)

  2. THAT's how you make an entrance! Think I need some columns in my house....

  3. Ooh that rug is beyond amazing.

  4. I think that entire entry wants to be in my entry! Except it wouldn't fit... (details)...

  5. That is a gorgeous entryway. I think the rug wants to be in my home too!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Fantastic rug of course, but I'm actually commenting because I loved your little feature at AID. Great to learn more about you, love your blog! Can't wait to see more of the guest room come together.

  8. That rug is incredible. totally lusting now!

    And LOVED your feature over at Amber's... and I totally cracked up at red wine being the three things you can live without. I'm right there with you. Totally. Good call :-)

  9. Thanks, Meaghan! So sweet of you to say! ox

  10. I love the columns inside the entry way, that is stunning. And the rug is gorgeous!


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