March 19, 2012

the house // monday sneak peek

g's room is coming right along . . .

the color is martha stewart kalamata olive, and it is pure gloriousness.
it looks sort of blue in the bottom picture; the first is more accurate.

remember my inspiration? we're still in need of many things
- four poster bedframe
- bedding (that she hasn't been using since she was 6)
- side table
- second suitable lamp
- seating
- dresser
- art
- possibly ceiling paint

you know, not much. just a few things...


  1. Looks so pretty! You can't go wrong with that poster. It seriously makes every room instantly cooler doesn't it??

  2. the colour is AMAZING! You're off to a great start (colour is always the hardest part for me. The rest always seems to fall in place afterwards)

  3. LOVING that sexy color Toby, adore, now more please. :)

  4. That hint of turquoise against the wall and on the lampshade is awesome!

  5. That paint color... that lamp shade... that print! I am dying over it all! You have great taste, girl!

  6. I am so excited, Tobe! More! More!

  7. Girl. It looks so amazing! The color is PERFECT.

  8. Wow! Looking great so far! That color is fabulous!

  9. Nice! Like the color a lot. Ok- now here's the dummy question that makes me realize how new we are to eachother... who is G? I've tried going back in your posts to figure it out, but it's hard. tehe. Fill me in?

  10. I LOVE that shade (or what ever it is your are teasing us with in the first photo!) Can't wait to see the whole thing... enjoy your Monday - Jalon

  11. That paint color is just delightful!! It seems like it's coming along really well! Can't wait to see the few other items you're working on getting. :)

  12. Fantastic color choice! I'm bookmarking this one!!!!

  13. Ooohh this is going to be so gorgeous! Already is! btw, I think I've never asked you, who is G? I guess I started following you after her intro?

  14. I love the color!! Great choice, I think I need to update the bathroom with that!

  15. THANKS, all! Choosing a color is so wonderful to hear resounding yesses.

    For those that are unawares, G is my 11-year-old (step) daughter. The room is hers first and foremost, and will act as a guester when necessary. So it has to do two jobs. I'm lucky she is so easy-going AND has great style!

  16. it looks amazing! and a gold for like ever poster...i have to hunt one of those down!

  17. Lovely. I just posted about dark rooms yesterday. Glad to see not everyone is scared to go bold. I think it's gorgeous.

  18. so so exciting to see things in motion! And I'm LOVING the color. Beautiful choice!


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