March 8, 2012

artist // kirra jamison

these artful cutouts are so fun!
and basically the definition of my life right now with all of the twists and loops and seemingly no end.

cut out series by kirra jamison


  1. I love these! Good find, Tobe. xo

  2. Love much so I went seeking more info. After 10 minutes of clicking through all the galleries that represent her, etc...NO pricing! Sigh....sometimes I have to wonder. Great find Tobe!

  3. Oh I love these!!!! xoxo

  4. Love these, I'm in need of some abstract art for the office. Good find!

  5. It's true, you and I are so on the same page about art. I also wrote a post about Kirra Jamison a few weeks ago! I guess we're both suckers for bright, bold graphics - so fun! Have a fantastic weekend Tobe!

  6. These pieces are completely awesome!!! You find such amazing things. Seriously.

  7. Wow, thanks for introducing her! Love me some bright art. Will be checking out more of her work now and pinning your images to my "art" board.


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