February 3, 2012

the house || powder room before

thank you guys so much for the rug enthusiasm! it's always fun to hear your feedback. plus, it often validates my taste, and that's something almost anyone would get excited about, right? apologies for leaving you high and dry yesterday. instead of finding fab inspiration for you, i was busy finalizing paint samples to take care of a little problem that is our powder room.

(warning // screen dimming may be in order)

someone had a sense of humor . . .
(it's actually not a terrible color. i used it in the loft at one time. it's just a very enclosed space for such boldness.)

anyway, the transformation will be underway this weekend.
it has everything and nothing to do with baby seals.

hope your weekend is bright! ox


  1. Looks like we will both be painting this weekend! At least it's a nice rainy weekend to stay inside :) Can't wait to see what you do!!

  2. Excited to see what you come up with. No pressure! =)

  3. Oh wow!!! Have fun painting!! Can't wait to see what you do!! xoxo elizabeth

  4. Wow, that's some color! Can't wait to see what you choose!

  5. Happy painting! Can't wait to see the results!

  6. that bathroom is green as hell.

    what'cha gonna do to it??

  7. Hope my weekend is as bright as your bathroom!? Looking forward to your livingroom progress too. Have a good one dear!

  8. i'm LOVING all the home photos!!! keep it up! like i've already said....that rug looks FAB!

  9. Looking forward to seeing the end result!

  10. Hope you have a successful weekend and can't wait to see the results! Enjoy.

  11. OMG, you just gave me a flashback: house-hunting in Germany a few years ago, I came across a bathroom that had pea soup color EVERYTHING, I mean walls, sinks, toilet, bidet, tub...I need to find those pictures...

  12. I hope painting went well! It's gonna be dark, right?


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