February 8, 2012

awesome seats that want to come home with me

houston, we have a problem.

it would appear that i believe it necessary to house every single one of these seating vessels in my home. honestly. all of them are justified.

if my husband read this blog, he'd be having a heart attack.


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEE them all too actually! But that top sofa is to die for.... I can see spending a lazy Sunday on there just sipping coffee and feeling like a Queen for a Day! Thank you for sharing... hope you have a marvelous Wednesday.

  2. Wow. I agree with you- you NEED all of these. I especially adore that turquoise X-Bench stool with the nailheads. And that tufted couch... and the occasional settee.... :)

  3. I LOVE the J Adler lounge, the two benches and that purple chair. They are all to die for actually!!! Great post!!! xoxo elizabeth

  4. I'd take a pair of those leather chairs with the naillhead trim.... and oh that white ottoman with the black trim..... and.... :)

  5. First off - I want all of those chairs as well. Secondly - I love those upholstered chairs in your living room. I've been dying for some chairs like that but I'm certain our cat would use the upholstered legs as a scratching post.
    Thirdly - Can't wait to see the powder room.
    And thanks for the guest post today!

  6. wow all of these are totally swoon-worthy. Gorgeous. Also congrats on one year!



  7. K so I need like 4k to buy that Eames Chair....keep looking!

  8. hahaha couldn't relate to the husband comment more!! Thank Goodness he doesn't have the time to read mine, he would be thinking who's this crazy woman I married?! hahha, it just made me laugh so much!

  9. I live in a tiny studio apartment, but i'm pretty sure I could find a spot for any of these pieces! I'm especially loving that tufted gray loveseat and that purple Eames chair!

  10. Yum, getting a taste of all types here. Love almost all these birds That Mitchel gold white/brass number gives me heartache.

  11. These are so much fun! LOVE that top gray one.....

  12. I think I could find a place for every last one of these in my house. But if I had to pick, a pair of those gold t-cross benches, the pale blue settee, and that purple chair should come live with me, immeds. I need a new office chair!

  13. I saw that white garden stool today at the Home Decorators store. I've totally got decorating on the brain!


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