April 15, 2015

Loving Lately: Great Kitchen Art

I've narrowed down a lot of things about my One Room Challenge kitchen and eat-in makeover (exciting update coming Thursday!), but art is not one of them. I did pull the trigger on a pineapple print from The Aestate, but I have a few more decisions to make before it's all said and done. These are just a few of my favorites as I've been searching.

Pretty easy to spot a theme there. I heart color. Do you have a favorite?

"Untitled 19" by Tracey Kafka //  "Seaside" by Britt Bass Turner //  "Double Tuna" by Erin Flett // "PiƱa" by The Aestate // "USA" by Britt Bass Turner // "The First Mountain" by Jenny Andrews Anderson // "Lemon" by Tonja Holand & Ingrid Reithaug // "Rainy Day" by Emily Brown


  1. Ughhh Jenny FOR THE WIN (I'm loving her recent work, it's just freaking fab). The Tracey Kafka piece is pretty damn special as well. You always get the best art dammit. xxx


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