June 26, 2013

New Mom Must Haves // Technology

Switching it up to baby talk today, mmkay?

Awhile back, I surveyed a few of my nearest and dearest new(ish) moms on their 5-10 absolute must haves for mommyhood. Now, I understand that a lot of these things are totally subjective and often depend on the nature of your own lifestyle and your babe's unique preferences, but I was fascinated to see a few of the same things popping up repeatedly. So I figure they're universally practical great-to-haves at the very least. I'm going to break them down by category starting with (refer to post title) technology.

And don't worry - these will not be super extensive lists. Many of my peeps are "minimalists" when it comes to baby.

Would love for you mommies out there to weigh in and/or share your own recommendations. New and (ahem) expecting moms can never get enough reccos! Plus, I feel like this is a good reference for non-mom friends that have no clue what to gift. (I still fall into this category, too!)


  1. Yay! I am going to love this series. My son is almost 4 so there is so much new and better stuff out since he was born! I will say I swear by my ipad for me and him and we loved the sleep sheep too.

  2. The sleep sheep is a must! As is a video monitor (how did they do it before video monitors?? blows my mind) and iPad (Elmo is on repeat) and an iPhone. I live by my iPhone so def have that. Oh, and My Pal Violet (they have a boy version too) is a recent fave. It's a programmable electronic stuffed dog that has been life-changing! Hope this helps girl!! xoxo

  3. Yep, I must have white noise now when I sleep because I got so used to Luke's! Also, we still have "Seahorse" and love love love him. Can't say it enough- we love him. Oh, and I pretty much taught myself photography during feeding sessions by reading tutorials online on my phone. A tablet when have been like gold during those times!

  4. Seahorse is great, don't get the gloworm. Personally I don't think the sleep sheep is loud enough. We have the conair noise machine which basically sounds like the inside of a jet airplane... judge if ye must.

    Also summer infant video monitor is a must.

    Finally, go buy this right now:


    I've had countless bassinets, cribs, baby in bed, etc... you need you some snugabunny. IT WORKS. Also, it's totally portable for the living room or for sleeping at grandmas.

  5. LOVING these confirmations and recommendations, moms! Thank you! ox

  6. The sleep sheep was our first unsolicited gift from a mom who swears by it. I've also been urged to get a video monitor and tablet. I haven't heard of the seahorse but I'll certainly look into it.

    I hope "new mom must haves," or a similar topic, becomes a regular post---with awesomeness of course!

  7. I totally couldn't live without my iPhone for the first year! I read so many books on that thing and pinterest-well pinterest was my bestie. I got the sleep sheep but it had a timer and when the noise went off my baby woke up without fail every time! I ended up getting a not so adorable noise maker that would just stay on until I turned it off.

  8. Good List , I love the Sleep Sheep =)

    Jen =)

  9. Make sure you get an Itzbeen too. A game changer.

  10. Will definitely be bookmarking this for when little baby DeLaney decides to come along!!! I've heard great things about the lamb and we got a friend the night vision/video monitor and it's a major HIT!


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