January 29, 2013

Type Tuesday // Jess & Russ

I can't believe so many of you read all the way through yesterday's wordy post! Gosh, you guys are awesome. Your enthusiasm seriously means so much. Thank you!

Today, let's just peep the amazing details of Jessica Hische's wedding, shall we? Jessica is crazy talented, and someone that I've always admired as a typographer/lettering artist, being that I am employed in a very similar trade. If you think you've never heard of her, you've probably seen her work, you just don't realize it.

Long story short, she is responsible for the lettering on all of her beautiful reception elements, and the details could not be more impressive!

More delicious details over at 100 Layer Cake.


  1. These are gorgeous! I will need to bookmark this for when I get married someday. I love how unique they are.

  2. Ohmygosh all of the typography is beautiful! Is it raised? Either way the black and metallic is very pretty, just pinned this.


    Kristina does the Internets


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