January 18, 2013

Must. Adopt. All. The. Pets.

OMG, you guys, I can barely handle the awesomeness.

Please, dear God, replace that Sarah McLachlan mess with this and I will adopt 1,000,000 cats (not that I wouldn't do that anyway without an allergic husband).

Enjoy :)

SPCA Pet Adoption Video from Chester McPurrs on Vimeo.


  1. Love this!!! I will do anything to get SM off the TV. I want to scream and cry every time I see her commercials!

  2. @Tiffany likewise. I can't change the channel fast enough! I'm sure the drama encourages people to help, but this does just as good a job if you ask me. Only I actually want to ADOPT one instead of just donating money.

  3. Ahh this just made me laugh, cry, want to hug my rescue pup, and then rescue more! Love it and thank your for sharing!

  4. AWWW so cute! I think I may need to adopt a pup when I finish school!

  5. I am so with you on this! Thanks for sharing lady and have a fabulous weekend!

  6. Too sweet for words. Nothing a little ABBA can't do!

  7. so wonderful! Thanks for bringing a huge smile to my face. Have a great weekend Tobe.
    xo Nancy

  8. this is incredible!!! i got chills i love it so!!!

  9. Totally agree. This is a wonderful video. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thank you for sharing this uplifting video. It emphasizes the wonderful, fabulous, animals available in such a positive way.

  11. too good. yes, and I do so detest that other commercial! donna

  12. OH MY GOD I WANT ANOTHER KITTY!!! What an awesome video, love it! Want to adopt them all too :) That guy at 2:27, he's so cool, what a star!! :)

  13. Good god I'm practically in tears after watching that! Animals are the best...and so are shelter volunteers. Especially ones who sing and dance to ABBA.
    What's the word with SM? I haven't heard the news.

  14. @Domicile She's done an ad for animal cruelty prevention that is just horrible to watch. I mean, that's the effect they are going for, but as an animal lover, it's nearly impossible to get through, even for 5 seconds.


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