January 22, 2013

Artist // Marcel Christ

Master of still life photography, seems Marcel Christ can make anything look like art.
Check out these amazing pigment explosions!


  1. I love these - the color combinations are great! For some reason they remind me a lot of India.

  2. I spotted these the other day & fell in love! So amazing when an artist takes an everyday object or action and turns it into art!

  3. How incredible are these? Thanks for bringing the awesome, Tobe. xo

  4. Ok, THAT is insane!!!!!!! Love.

  5. Wow, so beautiful! I love the colours and the movement, it's incredible! xxx

  6. I can't stop staring at these. They remind me of the Holi festival we had on campus in college, running around throwing pigment on each other. Definitely inspiring!

  7. the end result is beautiful! love the ethereal quality to them...and the movement.


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