December 24, 2012

Monday Blues // 16

Holiday edition, yo! Merry Christmas Eve to those of you celebrating today!!

Aerin Lauder's home, photos by Francois Holard for Vogue

I know most of us have seen this one before, but girl gets it DONE with that bold blue on the walls.


  1. Love it. Merry Christmas Tobe! Have a wonderful one.
    Thanks for your blog love this year. Best wishes in 2013!
    xo Nancy

  2. You could repost this once a week and I would be happy :) Merry Christmas!

  3. What a table setting??? I am speechless very elegant and very home feeling. I adore it!

  4. Aerin Lauder seems to be everywhere these days! No complaints, though. She has quite the eye. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

    Cheers, Elizabeth of The Corner Apartment

  5. Thinking of you Tobe and wishing you a great 2013! Can't wait to see what else it brings for you!


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