October 4, 2012

Interiors // Nuevo Estilo dream

Dear God, can you even imagine how spectacular this place must be in person??!

Giant stained glass windows? Moody walls? Tiled floor? Check. 

Insane moldings? One of a kind furniture and art? Check.
Also proof that you can do a lot with a little.

Please stop it with the floor. Every room? Really?

At first glance, not sure I would ever go for the kitchen...But being there might convince me.

And one to grow on.

Nuevo Estilo, you never fail.


  1. that velvet on the sofas with the black piping is killer!

  2. This place is INSANE! It's seriously like you took my soul and turned it into a house. I'm in love!

  3. that is a LOT of architecture to design around! Floors are m fave, for sure.

  4. Ummm when did YOU get a makeover? I love it. It is a new layout right? OR am i delirious?

  5. I actually like European kitchens! They always seem to have more contemporary fixtures and appliances and everything is compact.

    So happy you are back! The new design is gorgeous!

  6. Wow! That place is a jaw dropper. Its really stunning. The iterior is out of this world.
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  7. HOLY SCHNIKIES!!! Commence pinning everything. Take me there!

  8. the kitchen is the balls. it's probably rarely ever used in which case form over function.


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