September 28, 2012

Artist // Anna-Wili Highfield

I don't even know what to say about artist Anna-Wili Highfield's incredible paper sculptures.

These gorgeous pieces are made from archival cotton paper that is painted and sewn together. The copper pipe she uses is bent and manipulated to create forms reminiscent of line drawings.

I mean, can you even imagine? I want to choose a favorite, but I just can't. I love the sophistication of the white pieces above, but I'm also so in love with the playful nature of the colorful renditions below.

Can you choose a fave?

all images via Anna-Wili Highfield

Happy Friday, kids. RAWR!


  1. that horse head is so amazing. what a talent!

  2. Wow, this is really fantastic. The pink and black bird with outstretched wings is my favorite. So unique! Unique is GOOD!

  3. Holy amazing! My favorite is the horse...incredible!

  4. The owl. Obvi, the owl. To me it is the most life like and somehow the most delicate (that flying blue bird is delicate too, but it looks like it is going to grab me with its talons, so no thank you! Did you know I have a huge bird phobia?). Pretty pretty!


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