April 19, 2012

outdoors // in need of some patio time

you guys, this week has been exhausting. yesterday was one of those days that nothing goes your way. mountains of work to do . . . computer acting up . . . just hearing other people talk annoys the shit out of you . . . it was not pretty, to say the least. it's both a gift and a curse that tomorrow is the same deadline for my many projects. it might mean pulling an all-nighter if today doesn't go more smoothly than yesterday did, so cross your fingers for some creative genius.

i digress.

to that point, you might have noticed that there have not been many progress updates on the house lately. well, that's because there has been little to no progress on the house! unless you're talking about outdoors, which is where all of our spare moments (and spare pennies) have been going. this is definitely old news to those of you with yards, but i have to admit that this is my first yard to care for. which, let's not kid ourselves, the husband is doing most of the work. (bless him!) between a hot, dry summer last year and the fact that the previous owners left in late winter, we have had some fairly significant work to do. lots of landscaping to clean up, patchy grass to fertilize (responsibly, mind you!), 8,000 of those spiky sugar gum balls to corale, and leaves that are seriously still appearing out of nowhere . . . the list goes on. but it's surprisingly rewarding to see things transform to the beauty that i know the previous owners enjoyed.

then there's the matter of our empty deck. literally, once the weather warmed up and things started blooming, all of my priorities shifted from furnishing the house to outfitting our deck and patio! we have a fantastic space for which i have no photos (except this one from my move-in post), but i assure you, it's stupid awesome. and it needs clothes. once i started pulling research, i quickly realized that i gravitate towards the clean, modern wicker look. and i've since been educating myself on what to know about buying and/or maintaining that faux wicker beauty.

all this to say that i'd been pretty focused on a certain direction until i finally let myself sit down with this month's issue of elle decor, and i got an eye-full of erik hyman and max mutchnick's swanky LA grounds. holy heaven!

elle decor  //  photography by william abranowicz, landscape design by william shapiro

you guys are all invited over for cocktails on the patio!
just as soon as i get my chores done . . .


  1. Oh I know the sound of that music! We went through the same with our yard! But after all that hard work, it will look fabulous! And yes, Erik Hyman's garden is heaven... Literally.

  2. Love all of these! I swear, fixing up a yard is like furnishing another room (or two). Good luck with everything! Hope you're able to relax soon.

  3. I just know whatever you end up doing will be FABULOUS
    (but holy moly can I PLEASE live in that backyard?!)
    Good luck on your deadlines - you got this!

  4. THAT POOL. I need it.

    I feel your pain re the great outdoors. We have an enormous lovely yard that is totally growing out of our control -- rife with leaves, patchy with dead grass, and confusing me with unknown plants (weeds?).

    Deep breaths. We can do this.

    Hope your work load lightens up and you can enjoy the fab weather. The weekend is coming!

  5. No kidding! This space is amazing! As will your be as it develops its personality. It will be so worth it! Good luck with the projects!

  6. I will definitely join you for cocktails on the patio!!

  7. Your home is beautiful!! I have plantation shutter envy. Why are they so damn expensive? I am working on a 'my home' post right now. It feels uncomfortable to allow voyeurism in such a personal space so I'm taking my time putting it together. Speaking of voyeur, your living room rug is the best.;)

  8. Hang on, the weeks almost over! A nice outdoor living space sounds good right now, while the weather is still nice. I'll take any one of these. Maybe if we drink enough cocktails our patio's will magically transform themselves. It's a plan!

  9. Oh hope you get everything done and then get to relax over the weekend! I love the serenity of all these patios, perfect for reading, relaxing, and throwing a party ;)

  10. You're too funny! We've been trying to grow grass for years in our back yard...while I love all the shade, the grass hates it and eventually turns into a dust bowl. Yes, we also have the gumballs in the front which are like marbles when the kids step on them...we are bordering on white trash!! One day, I'd love to have a bigger patio with the resin wicker...it's so cool looking!

  11. this month's ED killed it on all levels. it is at the top of the pooper pile and has remained there for at least 2 weeks.

  12. Ugh me too, a bunch of new projects were in a holding pattern as I waited for assets and of course, came back all at once. And then I got sick. So now I'm just so behind its ridiculous. There is only so much I can do though.
    I'm so jealous you have a yard! We have a small patio that we never use. I'm big on spending lots of time outdoors when it's warm, so someday, someday. Love the way the dark patio furniture pops against the brick! And of course the mix of materials in the last photo, the table being different than the chairs.
    Have a great weekend!


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