March 24, 2012

interiors // favoring white

there must be some severe shift in the planetary alignment or something because i've been favoring white as of late. which is not unheard of as far as spaces i'm occasionally drawn to . . . but it's really something i never consider for my own home.

this got the whole thing started:

design by laura day, photography by patrick cline // lonny magazine

because the chairs and those mirrors don't hurt anything either.

my dining room and office are begging for it.
any warm whites i need to know about?


  1. Beautiful. White is always the perfect answer.

  2. Oh my word. That dining room is gorg-eous!

  3. chantilly lace (benjamin moore) is my go-to warm (but crisp) white!

  4. There IS nothing better than a white space that is so put together! AWESOME - thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Jalon

  5. I think I have the opposite dilemma - slightly tooo much white around here! I do love it tho! Especially the warm and neutral tones like here !

  6. #1: mercury is in retrograde. this would explain your madness. even though white is awesome and i think you are making a good, sane choice.

    #2: mythic paint- graces smile. expensive but so pretty.

  7. I am going all white for my new bedroom. It will surely end in tears but it'll look ace for about a week.

  8. My go to that is all over my house is Porter White Umber, warm without being creamy.


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