January 2, 2012

decor || basketweave

hellooooo, 2012! hope everyone had a great time ringing in the new year! we celebrated with friends by treating ourselves to an amazing meal and then going back to the house for games and one too many glasses of bubbly. in true form, my year was off to a slow start yesterday. but it's always worth it, right? :)

i'm also coming off quite a long break from routine with a few fun bits to show off around the house. so stay tuned for a little bit of that soon.

because i don't have said photos for you today, let's just talk about wicker, shall we? my mom has always had a thing for wicker, and i'm not going to lie (sorry, mom), i'm not sure i really had an appreciation for it until more recently. but it's turning my head more and more these days. i like the texture and warmth it brings to a space. plus, it's relatively easy to come across and often inexpensive, so you don't have to fret over ruining a piece by painting it. because what's better than a piece of furniture that you can repaint over and over again? not much.


1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9

what do you think? do you get down with a little bit of wicker?


  1. I have always loved wicker. My mama always had wicker around the house when i was growing up. My favorite thing about it is that you can spray paint it so easily!

  2. Love me some wicker, I just need a kick ass beach home to use it in! ;) Happy New Year!!

  3. I really like those lamps! So unique.

  4. I got a little sick of wicker for a while, but I love these examples. When it is shabby chic it is a little tired, so I love these fresh examples. xo

  5. yes m'am I can! That last chair is heaven.

  6. Pretty pretty! Especially like the first pic...but that might also be because of the TWO fiddle leaf figs and that gorgeous paint color.

  7. I've never been a huuuuge fan of wicker but I got to admit you found some amazing spaces! Loving the dinning room chairs (are they considered wicker chairs?) or was I supposed to be looking at the "chandeliers"?
    Love pics 4 and 5 ;)

  8. Love love love those wicker twin beds. Great inspiration!

    Courtney Lane

  9. Oh how pretty when painted! I love the examples of wicker/rattan in a different pattern than we are used to seeing, like #1 and #7. And I think it's such a great way to soften up a hard/minimalist space!

  10. I love both the painted and natural versions, and oh the texture that basketweave adds to a room!!! Love it.
    Nancy xo

  11. Stunning and so inspiring - the pendants, daybeds and chairs - amazing!
    I love the different scale of the weaves and when they are integrated with different materials.
    Great post, thanks!

  12. love the blue painted wicker chair!

  13. I slightly fainted when I saw that first image. I’m not a fan of salmon walls, or green zebra but somehow this room makes me want to eat it!


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