December 27, 2011

type tuesday || cielito

i've sort of gotten away from my design posts . . . well, i couldn't help but showcase this one.

question: what's better than bold color, bold type, food, coffee and spot-on environmental graphics?

answer: trick question. absolutely nothing better if you ask me.


  1. Not only are the graphics great, but I kind of love what they actually say. Take that, starbucks!

    Hope you had a lovely holiday!! xx

  2. Ok this is genius! Love them! Great concept and branding ;)

  3. I was going to write, is this for real? It's way too cool to be an actual client-approved application! Love it, so hip.

  4. Oh my! I am in love. That design is just happy. xo

  5. oh. my. god. gorgeous!

  6. Wow this design is so well done! I kinda want to curl up in one of those seats and take it all in!

  7. Love all of these! Just found your blog, and it is lovely!

    being lovely

  8. I love all of it, simply gorgeous! x


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!