December 14, 2011

house guest || ampersand design studio

this week's guesters are actually occasional real life guesters! i'm excited to introduce you to design super talents morgan and carrie of ampersand design studio. i had the pleasure of working with this design duo for several years and i have to say, these girls got skillz. as friendly as they are talented and stylish, you'll be hooked after one visit to their little corner of the web, i promise!

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Hi everyone! It's Morgan & Carrie from Ampersand Design Studio and we are totally thrilled to be guest-posting on Because It's Awesome for our dear friend, Tobe! As you all know, Tobe is in the midst of a big move to a new house, so we thought it would be fun to round up some fun ways to turn any new house into a home! We think it's about surrounding yourself with things that are uniquely yours and that make you happy every time you walk in the door. We searched high and low for some old favorites and brand new inspiration:

 Displaying art, curiosities, photos of loved ones and books that you have collected over time.

Finding a cool way to tie in one of your intials. (We thought this would be a great one for Tobe since she is typography-obsessed.) 

We always feel like we're in a "home" when there are personalized accents!

Another way to make things personal is to keep a map of your travels! We both have always wanted to do this but never took the time to search for a really cool one....until now! Isn't this great?!
And what other way to truly own your new digits (address digits, that is) than custom mailing labels?
 And customizing your front door with new address numbers! (and a cute bike parked out from wouldn't hurt either)

Thanks so much, Tobe, for hosting us here on your blog! We can't wait until you host girls' dinner so we can see the new digs! (even if we're sitting on the dining room floor for starters). Congrats again on your new house!

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thanks, girls! can't wait to furnish this beast so we can resume girls night. ox


  1. Those stacked books are fabulous!

  2. Great images - I love that breakfast eating nook...amazing art!
    Love the guest post!

  3. So jelly that Morgan and Carrie are able to actually visit in real life!

  4. I love the idea of keeping a map of your travels, reminds you of where you've been and where you plan to go. Love that!

  5. Thanks for having us on the blog today! We loved visiting and being among all of your awesome guest-posters! Hope that house is coming along :)

  6. Oh wow! I lovelovelove the map idea! Need to look into that one for myself. Haven't been around for awhile. Hope you're settling in!


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