November 14, 2011

The I Am Project :: Be Yourself

* before today's i am, i just want to clarify that, though these beautiful statements and stories are all hosted on my blog, they are not all mine. the three of us contributing to the i am project have chosen to keep our i ams anonymous in the spirit of making the statements as relatable as possible, especially now that we're writing to each work of art. as much as i'd like to, i can't take credit for the amazing written and artistic talent you see each week!


My whole life I have compared myself to others. Wanting what others had. I wanted their longer legs, thicker hair, not gapped teeth, and skinnier body. Basically whatever I could come up with. It wasn’t till I was older that I embraced the things about me that made me different from everyone else. I own the characteristics of my family and now I am pretty proud of what I got. I walk with confidence knowing that no one else is made quite like me. It’s kind of exciting to finally realize how incredibly unique I really am.

The I Am Project on Facebook || Etsy Shop

The I Am Project :: Our wish is to affirm and inspire the beauty in every woman, to celebrate the uniqueness in each of us, as well as the commonalities that unite us as women. We want to create a space to confront the dark places that come with growth; to witness women being valued for more than their bodies, clothes, or societal projections; to feel inspired by stories and images; and to become more deeply rooted in who we are as women. We want to become a net of resources that will nurture and fortify each other's confidence, and fill women with awareness of the extraordinary beauty that each of us uniquely brings to the world.

Questions, thoughts or feedback about The I Am Series? Send them to We would love to hear from you!

We welcome you to repost and/or share these images if you wish! We also respectfully request that you credit and, preferably, link back to Because It's Awesome as you do so. It's easy to do, and it's good blogger practice. Many thanks!


  1. Love this! So true for so many of us. Very empowering.

  2. Fabulous reminder. I think women in society are sadly constantly pitted against one another and the comparisons are constant, much to the media's gratification (how else will they sell us all the products that are going to make us look like that gorgeous girl in the advert?). Embracing our individuality is the only way we can make peace with ourselves and our girlfriends!

    Love this series as well x

  3. Love this, the design & the message!


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!