November 28, 2011

happy monday || closing day!

happy monday, all. big day around these parts.
after a delightful long weekend with family, hubs and i are closing on our new home today.
happy dances all around!

some pretty awesome peeps have offered to entertain you in my absence. the fun starts tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations! That's a great feeling. Can't wait to see who you have lined up. :)

  2. Ah congrats Tobi- so so happy for you!!!

  3. oh my goodness - major! congratulations... so happy for you!

  4. Congrats! That is thrilling news. I'm so excited for you guys and I can't wait to see all the photos - before and after. I know you're going to create a beautiful home!

  5. Oh best wishes on your new home! What an exciting feeling! Can't wait for the full-on tour! Enjoy, enjoy!

  6. Hooray!! Huge congrats on signing today. Have a glass of bubbly to celebrate!

  7. Yay for you what a huge moment! Enjoy!

  8. Yayyyyy!!!! So happy for you, that's so exciting! Congrats, you are going to LOVE it!

  9. Can't wait to see who you've got lined up! Congrats on closing. This pic is incredible, too....I want to do that for a party!

  10. Today is the big day! YAY! Congrats sweets and I can't wait to see the house updates!! X

  11. So exciting!! Congrats again!

  12. Sooo excited for you! I know you thought it would never come!


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