October 24, 2011

lifestyle || fast into fall

many apologies for the couple of quiet weeks here on BIA. i wish i had a fabulous story for you to explain my unannounced absence. alas, i just needed some time for creative renewal and to wrap up loose ends on some long-term projects. we all need a little bit of down time every once in awhile, no?

with a bit of extra time away from the computer, i was able to experience last week's dip in temperatures here in kansas city. it finally feels like fall around here!

miguel flores-vianna via 1stdibs || images 2,8 via i love saturdays || images 3,6 via fashion gone rogue || images 4,5 via jaclyn paige on tumblr


  1. Glad you had some R&R...Alt is coming soon and it will be so fun! YAY!

  2. Gorgeous post. That braided rug in the first photo is so unexpected and totally cool.

  3. Wish it felt more like Fall here in LA !! Gorgeous photos.


  4. Welcome back, darling! We definitely missed you. Hope all your projects went well and the creative juices are flowing again. :)

  5. Missed you and happy you are back! I definitely support taking a break to refresh. Love these photos, that ranch looking room is amazing. xo

  6. Glad to have you back amongst us! Looks like you are definitely creatively renewed! Beautiful images!

  7. I just want to curl up in that first living room and never leave!

  8. That shelf in the dining area is quite nice. What made it great is the combination of books and china that were placed on it. This is really a pretty nice idea especially when you have all those cookbooks at home. Thanks for sharing!


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