October 3, 2011

The I Am Project :: an announcement!

happy monday, party people! i have exciting news to share this morning . . . we have been totally thrilled and overwhelmed with the support of our I Am Project's weekly(ish) posts. the fact that this project has resonated with so many incredible women is beyond any of our wildest dreams! so much so that we have decided to make our pieces available for purchase.

a thousand thank you's to each and every one of you that has embraced this project. it means so very much to us.

aaaaaand we are more than excited to have some very special ladies helping us kick off this virtual opening! throughout the week, i will be tweeting and facebooking (are those real words?) links to several friends of The Project that are hosting giveaways to score a free I Am print of your choice! these ladies have been kind enough to mention our little mission on their own blogs and, for that, we are humbled and most grateful. this morning, i will send you off to see these lovely ladies below . . .




and if you're tempted to stay awhile in any of these beautiful corners of the web, you're welcome.


  1. How exciting! I love how positive this project is and I can't wait to visit the shop! xo

  2. Congrats! I have been waiting for your shop.

  3. oh, I love it!! Pinning this... wishing you success - so nice to see positivity in action :)

  4. yay!!!! congrats!!!!! this is very exciting :)

  5. Will definitely check this out! I'm loving what you're doing here. Happy to be a new follower!

  6. how exciting for you guys! Congrats!

  7. I am *SOOOOO* excited!!! And I'm pretty sure that everyone else is pretty darn stoked about it, too! So glad you ladies take the time to do this, what a fabulous project!!!

  8. one million congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you!!

  9. Congrats to you!!! A new go-to for type nerds like myself.

  10. it looks amazing! congrats!


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spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!