September 27, 2011

type tuesday || the way she moves

keeping it simple this type tuesday. i hate to do the old "source unknown" and be okay with it, but this is just too beautiful not to post. if anyone knows whose gorgeous calligraphy this is, i'm pretty sure we all need to see the rest of their work!

found via pinterest


  1. Hi, Using google image search (installed as an app on my computer) I found out that this is by Argentinian Silvia Cordero Vega (who has the most amazing resume and credentials) and here's her flickr photostream: Underneath the photo is says,"A very first trial/sketch about one of my favourite Beatles songs. Japanese ink + colapen" And her website is here:

  2. it is gorgeous... wish I could write like that, and not like a third grader!

    blair @ scsd

  3. I was just going to say what JLR22 said. will change your life. Just drop any photo into the box and it'll find where else it's on the interwebs as well as other images that are similar.

  4. ladies, thank you!!!!!!! i used to attempt tineye, but it found 0 out of 100 images i searched. this is great! definitely checking out more of silvia's portfolio! ox

  5. I'm really glad you shared this, Tobe!!! It's so romantic and pretty! Nice sleuthing and thanks for the head's up about Google Image Search, JLR22 and Bess!

    turn up the rad blog
    turn up the rad creative

  6. SO pretty. I'm really glad you shared this too!


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