September 2, 2011

rain or shine

image via danielle kroll

haha! well, if this isn't the perfect cheeky reminder for me to come across today!

so....after my ranting and raving last week, we found a house! a glorious house with everything we've been looking for, including extra gobs of character. hallelujah!

we gave it our best bid. unfortunately, someone then beat us out, so the search continues.

i've been in mourning. we've looked at over 100 houses, my friends. that's a rather large and exhausting number, if you don't know. so last night i took some time to throw a fit and be tired of the hunt and drink one too many glasses of fruit juice (code for vino) and went to bed appropriately puffy and pissed off.

and, wouldn't you know it, this morning 4 more brilliant prospects popped up.
that sunshine. it always knows how to find me when i need it :)

emma watson photograph by mariano vivanco via touchpuppet

enjoy your weekend, friends! remember to let the sunshine in . . .


  1. I'm so sorry! That just plain sucks. So happy some new prospects popped up so quickly. Good luck!

  2. You should take pics of some of the gooduns for the blog :) That would be fun! We could go through the pain with you.

  3. Wonderful sign. At this point in the summer we need rain, so it kind of makes sense to me. Happy weekend. :-)

  4. Ugh, I have to believe it will all be worth it in the end! You just have high standards, and that will equal perfection. ;o)

    Wowza on the Emma photo.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Yay for more prospects! Sometimes it just pays to throw a good fit...just ask my child :) So sorry this search has been a long and exhausting one. You'll just appreciate "the one" so much more when you find it!

  6. oh Tobes--i'm so sorry!!! There must be some amazing house waiting for you at the end of this journey though!!!!

  7. Good luck with the continuous search !! Hope the perfect house finds you soon :)


  8. Oh that's really bad luck, but you know things happen for a reason so keep smiling. x

  9. I know what that feels like! We spent months looking for our house. I have written a few articles on it over at my blog if that helps at all?

    You will find your dream home :)

  10. Lovely images, cheers to finding a place.

  11. Wishing you much luck in the search! I know how stressful that can be. Hopefully the perfect one is right around the bend. Vino helps too.


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