September 23, 2011

interiors || on approachability

initially, i wasn't that drawn to this space. 

 sure, i love the airiness, the pops of color, the mix of furniture and patterns -- okay, maybe i am drawn to this space!

but what i really love is the ease of these rooms.

they're clean and likely styled, but they look so everyday to me. very natural, very obtainable.

very inspired.

there's something very welcoming about rooms that aren't just so, don't you think?

i have to say, i like the jewels, too.
my kitten would have a heyday with this display, so it will never really be an option for me. but such a beautiful solution to dress up your dresser or nightstand with your jewelry!

happy friday, all!

images of jacqui getty's home for c magazine, photography by douglas friedman
spotted via escapade


  1. While there are so many aspects I love about that first image, it is not that inviting...where are the throw blankets, the piles of books? I ADORE that bedroom. I have the same bed, I need to add a chandy, pronto.

  2. HI! We saw your post on VMAC and love your blog!!! I agree with you on the first room. The other pictures need to be added to our pinterest immediately. What's really funny is I was obsessing over that inspiration wall just yesterday and think I might do that in my office! xoxo e&a

  3. It's great... I know what you mean about not being really 'drawn' to that first room until I started looking closer at the mix. Love it.

  4. You're right about that, it's something anyone could work towards. Seems like the perfect collage of furnishings, color and knick-knacks. Very cool, very classy, very livable.

  5. These are all stunning rooms...that bedroom in the third photo is beyond gorgeous...pretty sure I could live in there forever and never come out (okay, maybe not but you get the point) !!


  6. ahhhhh I will now go try and find purple flowers

  7. I adore everything about rooms like this. Collected, colorful, eclectic, lived in, but still chic and sophisticated. Totally my style. Love them so much!!!

  8. All very pretty, easy on the eyes, not a lot of drama/contrast/pattern. Feels like it was thrown together rather than put together, you know what I mean?

  9. Love the royal dark purple flowers. I could totally live in that space, warm, inviting, but lots of drama!

  10. Love all of these as well- that daybed is calling my name in a major way...would love a space for something like that...oh and the the jewels!


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