September 8, 2011

interiors || inspired

spaces that are inspiring (and possibly hindering) the home search........YUM YUM YUM.

1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5

that second space would be dark dark navy or black instead of green, but you get the idea.

more of my crazy all over the place taste here.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous !! Love the floors in the first photo and the third photo is one of my favs !


  2. Oh geez these are crazy good. But remember this can all be done after you buy the house! You just need the bones (like the windows -- altho you can paint them black!). Moldings, tile, light fixtures can all be added, and that's where all the fun comes in!

  3. I love these spaces! especially the first one! great pop of color from the perfect flowers:)

  4. Yeah, that first image with the breakfast nook and bistro chairs would hold up my home search too!

  5. I can't stop staring at that first image. Such a cozy nook! Good luck searching :)

  6. Great images! Especially loving that first one :)
    Abbey x

  7. I can't help having that kind of erratic style either but looking at your images isn't it amazing how much a little black can do for a room?!

  8. That pressed tin detailing in the second last pic is now haunting my interior décor dreams. Absolutely stunning!
    X Sarah

  9. Love these images, so much gorgeousness! Stumbled upon your blog but loving it. I'm your newest follower x

  10. Thanks for the lovely pics. They are nice

  11. Nice dark walls on the second image. I love the stripes on the rug too. The green sofa is a good inspiration for classy designs. The sculpture on the white doors of photo #4 is timeless. I love how it looks like plates pasted on the doors to the kitchen. The chandelier on the last image is perfect. Thanks for sharing these concepts.


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