August 8, 2011

the weekend || a big win, some chairs and welcomed relief

happy monday!

that's false. let's be honest; mondays are almost never happy.

well here's hoping for a change of pace. a huge welcome to new friends here from bijou and boheme! i'm so excited to have you here, and am looking forward to visiting each and every one of your beautiful homes on the web.

i don't have an I Am for you this morning. we will be back in action in the next couple of weeks. instead, i'll attempt to make my weekend sound exciting. several weeks ago, i was the verrrrrrry lucky winner of a west elm parsons tower from the sweet caitlin of sacramento street. i had a chance to put it together last week, and we currently have it maximizing storage in our teensy kitchen. you can't possibly imagine how happy i am!

saturday morning, i stole picked up some great chairs at a garage sale. there are three of them, so i'm imagining two in a glorious statement fabric for the someday living room, and one in a bedroom or office. let's just hope i'm not wrong about their potential. i was kind of obsessed from the moment i laid eyes on them, and they were such a great deal that i just had to do it. you probably won't see them again for awhile, but hopefully they make another appearance in a brand new space.

here is my step-daughter, G, demonstrating the fascinating planking phenomenon on said chairs. have you heard about this trend? so weird.

no, that clip did not swallow her head.

i love those chairs.

then we took the kids to their first professional soccer game ever (they're both soccer studs). we starve them when they're in town, so G literally had to eat the cotton candy stick.

i also tried out what all the kids are doing these days with their nails. neon and gold. kind of fun :)

then -- exciting news. i don't know how many of you are over this heat . . . but looks like some relief is headed our way.

images by moi

this week might be spotty as i'm wrapping up a couple of big projects, but i will be in when i can. i also have a fun guest post to share with you for one of my most favorite people on the web, so stay tuned!


  1. Love the parsons tower!!! Sounds like a great weekend!

    Oh and those chairs have SOOO much potential...especially the upholstered arms and everything...probably a bit of an investment to bring them back to life, no?

    We are pretty slow on the uptake - I read about planking in the newspaper a few months husband just heard about it a couple weeks ago and was giggling like a school girl trying to recall these images to me that he saw online...

  2. Haha! Great sign!

  3. ohhh the planking! My little cousin has a whole facebook album with her doing this. Did you hear about the Australian dude who died while planking?? ridiculous

    I digress. I really came here to tell you that I love your garage sale steal! (and your west elm shelf is superrrr sexy)

  4. Loving the asymmetrical nail polish! You don't even need to wear jewelry. :)

  5. That sign is killer. I got an email the other day that informed me "owling" is the new planking...followed by "bating" is the new owling. I left my young cool self somewhere I guess, because I think napping with the dogs is planking. xoxo

  6. Planking is beyond bizarre. I thought it was just a drinking thing... didn't realize kids were doing it too!

    Those chairs have serious serious potential. Congrats on your find.

  7. Ha ha, love this post. And I love what you did with the shelf -- I didn't even think of it in a kitchen. Looks SO good!

    The chairs are super cool, please share your fabric considerations with us!

    The cute.

  8. Planking is something I'm not so sure I'm getting, ha ha!! Love the chair!! Hugs,
    Nancy xo

  9. Great information... thanks for your review and tutorial about how to comment. very nice post :)

  10. New to your blog and totally obsessed! Love the chairs and those fabulous nails. Visiting from B&B, you are awesome.

  11. That sign is hilarious! Completely describes our experience here, too.

  12. Those chairs will be so perfect in your someday living room! Planking is a "thing"? I don't get it, but I guess that's why I'm 30...maybe I should try that for my 30 year old mom-abs! Love the sign, too. Made me laugh :)


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