August 30, 2011

type tuesday || blocked

apologies for the late post today, kids. i had some photos lined up for my personal type tuesday journey, but this trumped them big time. kind of obsessed with this woodblock table.

total. typenerd.

images via mike smith


  1. Love the table. So cool... says a fellow type nerd!

  2. I'm late going around and visiting all my faves today, so perfect timing! I bet you could totally make this table -- neat idea.

  3. That looks amazing. Love it!

  4. Love this table...and how fun would it be to make one and hide things that had meaning like names or dates...what a cool idea...and I think this would've pretty much trumped anything...because it's awesome (c: Yeah, I totally just did that.

  5. This is too amazing for words. (Ha!)

  6. I think I got the only one ever made by this artist. And super cheap too ;)

  7. I can't tell by the picture of the letter table but are these just glued down or is there epoxy (?) poured over them the letters and numbers? And are the letters/numbers painted after they are glued down on the top?? Thanks

  8. hi Sandy! It looks like they're just glued, but you could definitely use epoxy to even out the surface if you wanted it flat. Or put a sheet of glass on top?


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