August 16, 2011

travel || peggy wong

have you seen the stunning images from peggy wong's recent trip to europe? if not, i highly recommend a peek. spain, portugal, morocco, france and denmark . . . all beautifully documented on her blog.

here's just a taste:

all photos via bluepoolroad

le sigh.


  1. Gorgeous. Having major wanderlust over here. I guess the favor has been returned (from my post). Thanks A LOT. ;o)

  2. Wow. Pretty fantastic. This is enough to make me want to visit all of these places.

  3. Wow. So so pretty. I have got to get out of this country soon - I need a little of this in my life.

  4. Lovely photos - dreaming of travel....again. Thanks for sharing.

  5. So so gorgeous...adore those pastely buildings- especially the pink ones!!

  6. These sure are stunning! Off to check out her blog! x

  7. This is giving me the travel bug so bad. I'm dying to visit all of these places!

  8. You'Ve been in Lisbon?

  9. I absolutely adore travel photos and these are stunning!


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