August 25, 2011

house hunting || kill me now

i am massively uninspired today.

frankly, looking at amazing spaces lately just makes me want to kill myself.

why do none of them exist in my city?
(in our price range, in the right parts of town, with our qualifications)

i really don't feel like we're asking for that much.
what were builders and architects smoking in the 70s and 80s?

nothing that made them better at their jobs, let me tell you.

but it's out there. i know it.

meanwhile, dreaming of finding a place with giant black windows seems
as likely as dreaming of finding the right place.

help. me.


  1. These are lovely inspirations! Where are you moving??

  2. YOu are hilarious! That is sooo true when you are house hunting, it's often...devastational! Ugh. I feel for ya. Something my brother told me when I was on house hunt number 297 or so, "Have faith, you'll find everything you are looking for"--And then...magically...we did. ;) xox! Love your design inspo btw! xox!

  3. Love the black windows as well! I bet they are hard to come across but you never know what you may find...

    Good luck house hunting!

  4. Oh, those windows are such a glamorous statement. Love them. Don't get too frustrated...I'm sure your home is out there waiting. I've been through the process, it can get out of hand...

  5. Don't lost hope, you'll find it! But yes, seems like the decades of the 70s and 80s produced poor quality building for sure. You should see the hideous examples out here.

    Love the black windows idea, these are gorgeous!!

  6. The right house with the right bones is out there, unfortunately pink and blue were highly popular here in the 80's, oh, & the cherry stained oak. But that is what paint is for. Can't wait to see what you find, I know it will be fabulous!

  7. These are great inspirations!!! Great photos.

    'Please visit our new website'

  8. The black windows are amazing ! Good luck finding a place, I can only imagine how difficult it is !!


  9. I hear ya! We're not in the market for a new house yet, but I'm always looking. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to do it myself to get what I want. Good luck!

  10. I just LOVE these windows! I used to have some just like them when I lived in Chicago...I still miss them! Thanks for sharing!

  11. miss Tobe, do not get discouraged! The right place is sitting waiting for you to stumble upon it. I can feel it in my bones

  12. I know that you'll find something that has the perfect bones and you'll turn into fabulous!!! And I'm so with you on those huge black windows...would KILL for them!!!!

  13. Keep your spirits up and one day you will walk in and it will be it! So glad to visit you!


    Art by Karena

  14. ugh...well great inspiration pics at least! And maybe you can find comfort in the fact that I'm pretty sure all those gorgeous black windows are the most INefficient windows out there.

  15. I feel your pain sister! I am in the process of moving to Seattle. Going from a market where you can get a huge house for your $ to expensive living :o/ Lets do this together! GO TEAM!!!

  16. You're gonna find not be discouraged! May I give a small piece of advice? DON'T SETTLE! Your beautiful space is out there.

  17. Youmay feel uninspired but I always find inspiring rooms over here!
    Moving can be such a drag but at least its a clean slate to decorate!


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