August 10, 2011

guest posting || lark and linen

whew. this is exciting. guest posts on two of my favorite blogs in one week?! i am a lucky lady.

i would love for you to come by today and learn a little more about me over at jacquelyn's beautiful corner of the web, lark and linen.

i cannot say enough about jacquelyn. like christine, she is one of my daily reads. she's also become one of my real life friends through blogging. well, and by real life i mean have never actually met and live miles apart. but i know we'll make it happen someday! i wish i could remember how i came across her blog for the first time, but it escapes me . . . anyway, once you check it out, you'll see why i've been hooked ever since. impeccable taste, beautiful documentation of her life and her travels (including a fairly recent trip to india!), clever writing and a heart of gold. that's what you get over there  >>>>>>>>   so go!

thanks for having me over, j! ox


  1. Loved the post! My husband and I have nachos once a week... the little things in life are great, huh?! :)


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!