August 5, 2011

another one bites the dust

image via scotch & scones

that was a quick week if i do say so myself. hope yours was a good one.
have a colorful weekend!


  1. How fun is that image? I might have a confetti addiction. Have a fabulous weekend. xoxo

  2. Yay for the weekend! And thank you Tobe for the wonderful, comment it made my day!! :)

  3. Loved your guest post over at Christine's. She was right in calling it an eye candy buffet. I figured I'd better mosey on over here and follow the girl w/ the great style! xo


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!