July 12, 2011

type tuesday || veronika filippova

i keep wanting to post some of my own lettering work, but i have a moral issue with showing strangers' names and street addresses. maybe someday i'll make some up. in the meantime, i'm really quite taken with these calligraphy bits from veronika filippova, so i'll show those off instead.

 images via behance | first spotted here


  1. So lovely! Makes me want to dust off my calligraphy set and actually apply myself - I just love all the photos above!

  2. Beautiful calligraphy!! I bought my own set a couple of years ago in hopes I could teach myself for my wedding and unfortunately wasn't up to par for my wedding invites, but I plan to keep trying. Fun hobby!

  3. ooooh - would love to see your skills, ladies!! :)

  4. Beautiful. I love that flowery style of script :)

  5. these are ALL super gorgeous - i'm a sucker for pretty curves. + then you do it in gold??? LOVE. i'd LOVE to see what your work - i'm sure it blows these out of the water!

  6. Hello! I am an autor of this works. I glad that all of you liked them. For seeng more works on calligraphy you can follow my blog - http://caligrafiaespecial.blogspot.com/


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