July 18, 2011

pretty pattern || missoni for target

now, i know i'm not the only one clamoring for the missoni and target collaboration coming up in september. here's a little more incentive to get excited . . .

images for vogue, photos by pascal chevallier  ||  via moodboard

especially digging that those platters are ceramic vs the usual melamine!
and is it true that there will be over 400 items?? be serious.

via curbed

let it be known now that i will cut people for that bedding!


  1. Oh, this is exciting. I hadn't heard the news yet! Target is pretty much the most addicting store in the world, so this won't help my hm hmm (problem)! But I can't wait until this happens! Hopefully they have some colorful quilts at a good price!

  2. Hi,
    Found you over at The Mustard Ceiling. I've added a link to you in my blogroll at http://www.imagesouthfineart.com/.


  3. Oh goodness. Another reason to get lost in Target. I'm seriously not allowed to go in without husband supervision. I go in for toilet paper and come home with curtains and towels....

  4. Yes! That Bedding! I go to Target at least 2 to 3 times a week, but I have prohibited myself from buying clothes or decor (because I was becoming THAT girl who ONLY shops at Target and it was getting embarrassing). I'm lifting my moratorium for Missoni.

  5. Oh my goodness!! I CANNOT wait for the bedding!! Hadn't seen the bedding before, now I am officially obsessed!


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