July 15, 2011

office hairs

i'm an addict. the hair keeps getting shorter and shorter.

i probably threatened to chop it off right after my wedding one thousandy times. then i got cold feet. nine months later (that's a guess - i don't really know how much time passed), i grew a pair and asked for the name of a co-worker's Hair Genius.

* note that i rarely capitalize on this blog, but this talented lady deserves caps *

well, said Hair Genius got rid of 9 inches has been cutting my hair ever since, and i swear to you, i've never gotten more compliments on anything in my life than i get on my hair. then she up and quit the biz. if i hadn't been at the office when i got the news, i might have cried, i love her so. forced to find another Hair Genius, i resorted to asking random people on the street, at the office, at the grocery store "who cuts your hair?" finally, one of my bestest friends told me that i had to try her girl. so i did. and i am thrilled to say that there are at least two bonafide Hair Geniuses in this world! halleluja!

exibit A

that's a rather large photo of myself and no one should ever do that, but it seemed necessary to make my point. please, no compliments. i mean, unless you mean it. and if you are in the kc area - or understandably see that you need to be here every 8 weeks so this girl can treat you right - shoot me an email and i'll give you her goods.

verdict's still out on whether i can recreate this perfection. however, i promise not to make you read another blog post describing my hair. let's all just assume the best.

also, there's this that i can't stop going back to:

that has someday office written all over it.


  1. Ok here comes the compliment but I PROMISE I mean it...your hair/you/that photo are GORGEOUS!!!

  2. hair looks GREAT! and so does that office!!

  3. How can I not compliment you?? You look amazing! I can't pull off the short hair, but you have the features for it, for sure. And seems to fit your high level of hipness, if you ask me!

  4. Seriously? I am so envious of you! I sported this cut a few years back and have never done it again. My face isn't made for short hair, but ohhh how I wish. Darling - you look amazing!!! I love the cut, the color, and you have a beautiful profile :) Ugh...still jealous, but happy you can rock this look!

  5. I LOVE your new haircut it really looks beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend! xo, christina

  6. haha i love this post! the cut is gorgeous! perfect for summer :)

  7. looking hot Tobe! Love it. I can never grow my hair for too long. Short is a tad addictive.

  8. thank you guys so much for your kind words on the hair! ox


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