July 27, 2011

interiors || what if . . .

what if you had windows like this . . .

and a bookshelf like this?

(i would let you have a taller ladder)

are you like me? i would never leave. ever.

images via casa tres chic


  1. I would have a big ass party so everyone could see how awesome I am. Then I'd kick them all out so I can read my books by the window alone :)

  2. I can see my self working out of this space, with a yummy glass of wine in hand.

  3. I would be really happy :) Gorgeous windows.

  4. ahhhh dreamy, just add in a gorgeous view and what else could you ask for?? lovely.

  5. I would be a very happy girl. Love how open the space is.

  6. Oh my, that is really a little slice of heaven. How cozy, yet light.

  7. Oh My, it's gorgeous, I would never leave

  8. They would have to send out a search party for me.

    Andrea x

  9. I would live happily ever after :) And try to read all of those books!


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